S4E06 | From the Sublime to the Ridiculous | 狗尾续貂


Saying: “to use a dog's tail as a substitute for sable fur”
Pinyin: Gǒu Wěi Xù Diāo
Chinese: 狗尾续貂


In the latest CSP episode, we harken back to the early Jin Dynasty 晋朝 and the zaniness of the Sima Clan following the death of Emperor Wu of Jin. Plenty of blood flowed during the shake-out period as the 3rd century AD came to a close. But it wasn't all bad.

From this period we get the great Chinese Saying, Gǒu Wěi Xù Diāo 狗尾续貂. Keep this one in your back pocket for use in case of something that started off good but ended up turning into a major farce in the end.

Don't forget, the Chinese terms from CSP episodes are all listed for you down below.

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Terms in Episode

Jiàzhí Liánchéng价值连城Something of immense value, worth a bunch of cities
Chengyu成语A Chinese Saying or idiom
Lìn Xiāngrú蔺相如Loyal general and official from the Warring State of Zhao (and star of a number of great chengyu's)
King Zhāoxiāng of Qín秦昭襄王The king of Qin State who reigned 325 to 251 BC
King Huìwén of Zhào赵惠文王King of Zhao State from 298-266 BC
Wán Bì Guī Zhào完璧归赵To return the whole jade Bi back to Zhao State featured in CSP Series 3 Episode 1. Go check it out.
Hé Shì Bì和氏璧The famous Bi named for loyal Zhao citizen Bian He, a.k.a. He Shi
Jiàzhí价值Value of something
liánchéng连城a bunch of cities all right next to one another
Liángzhǔ Culture良渚文化A Neolithic culture in China centered around Hangzhou and Zhejiang province that flourished approximately 3300-2300 BC
chūchù出处the source for a quotation of allusion
Hán Fēizǐ韩非子The Han Feizi is both the name of a famous Legalist text and the name of the man who wote it. He lived 280-233 BC (or thereabouts)
Biàn Hé卞和The name of the farmer who chanced upon the Jade Yupu that was later carved into the He Shi Bi
Chǔ楚国Ancient Chu State centered around Hubei and Hunan
Yùpú玉璞a lump of jade still enveloped in a big rock.
Chǔ King Lì楚厉王King of Chu from 759-741
Chǔ King Wǔ楚武王King of Chu from 741-690
Chǔ King Wén 楚文王King of Chu from 690-676
a kind of ceremonial jade disc with a hole in the center….one of the most ancient of all Chinese cultural objects
Hándān邯郸A major city in southern Hebei Province that served as the Zhao capital
Héběi河北Province in northern China
Xiányáng咸阳Located near modern day Xian in Shaanxi Province, it served as the capital of Qin State
Hàn汉朝The Han Dynasty 202 BC to 220 AD
Wèi魏国 (曹魏)One of the Three Kingdoms that ran 220-265
Jìn晋朝Dynasty than ran 266-420
Suí隋朝Dynasty that ran 581-618
Táng唐朝Dynasty that ran 618-907

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S4E07 | One Bad Apple | 害群之马


S4E05 | That’s Worth a Lot! | 价值连城