S5E01 | Everything’s Good | 好好先生


Saying: “Mr Goody-goody”
Pinyin: Hǎo Hǎo Xiānshēng
Chinese: 好好先生


We're back with another season of wonderful and useful chengyu's for your Chinese sayings repertoire. Everyone knows this one. Well, maybe not everyone but it's pretty well-known. We ended last season in the Later Han Dynasty and that's where we'll start Season 5.

Though this story was written during the Ming dynasty it concerns the 3rd Century character Sima Hui 司马徽. He was the original Hǎo Hǎo Xiānshēng 好好先生 who lived not to upset anyone or take a contrarian stance against anything that was ever said to him (by anyone).

Don't forget, the Chinese terms from CSP episodes are all listed for you down below.

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Terms in Episode

Hǎo Hǎo Xiānshēng好好先生Mr. Good-Good, someone who never disagrees about anything and trying to walk the middle road
Sīmǎ Huī司马徽Early 3rd century hermit in Sichuan. Had a reputation as a good spotter of talent. He is the Hao Hao Xiansheng
Gǔ Jīn Tán Gài古今谭概A book of essays written by the late Ming Dynasty literary figure, Féng Mènglóng 梦龙
Páng Tǒng庞统179-214, Pang Tong was an advisor to Liu Bei. Sima Hui spotted him right away as a man of talent.
Zhūgě Liàng诸葛亮181-234, a.k.a. Kongming, Crouching Dragon, Statesman, diplomat, strategist
Liú Bèi刘备161-223, Eastern Han warlord and later King of Shǔ during the Three Kingdoms period
Luó Guànzhōng罗贯中1330-1400, early Ming Dynasty author who wrote The Romance of the Three Kingdoms

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S5E02 | It’s Too Late Baby | 病入膏肓


S4E10 | Salvation, Zhang Gang Style | 釜底游鱼