S5E06 | Mom of the Millenia


Saying: “Mengzi's mom moved the house three times”
Pinyin: Mèng Mǔ Sān Qiān
Chinese: 孟母三迁


The Chengyu, (Chinese Saying), for this time is one of the most well-known of all. This story is a staple when discussing the true meaning of a selfless mother who only lives for her children. This is the story of Mengzi's mother or "Mèng Mǔ" and her pursuit of the perfect location to raise her son. It took three tries but after Mèng Mǔ Sān Qiān 孟母三迁, she found the perfect place to raise her pride and joy. Through this, and other demonstrations of doing her best for her son, Mengzi's mother received high marks.

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Terms in Episode

Mèngzǐ孟子Also known in the West as Mencius (c. 372-289 BC),Chinese philosopher and great Confucian scholar. Also the name of the book of his teachings: The Mengzi
Mèng Mǔ Sān Qiān孟母三迁Mengzi's Mother Moves Three Times, our saying for this time
Zōu邹国A minor state near Henan-Shandong during the Zhou Dynasty
Yà Shèng亚圣The Second Sage, one of the names given to Mengzi
Mèng Mǔ孟母Mengzi's Mother
qiānTo move….move one’s residence or the location of a business.
Han Dynasty汉朝Chinese dynasty that ran 202 BC to 220 AD
Liè Nǚ Zhuàn列女传The Biographies of Exemplary Women. This work contained stories about the lives of noble and virtuous women.
Líu Xiàng刘向77 - 6 BC, Chinese astronomer, historian, poet, politician, librarian, and writer of the Western Han Dynasty. Among his polymathic scholarly specialties were history, literary bibliography, and astronomy. He is particularly well known for his bibliographic work in cataloging and editing the extensive imperial library.
Emperor Chéng of Han汉成帝Han emperor who reigned 51 to 7 BC. Not one of the best emeprors of the Han
Zhào Fēiyàn赵飞燕The name of one of the dancing girl from Emperor Cheng's court
rén zhì仁治Ruling through mercy
Widow ZhǎngMengzi's mother's name
Chéngyǔ Yánjiū Zhōngxīn成语研究中心The Teacup Chengyu Research Center headed up by Emma and her team of scholars

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