S8E05 | Shock The Monkey


Saying: “when the tree falls, the monkeys scatter”
Pinyin: Shù Dǎo Húsūn Sàn
Chinese: 树倒猢狲散


Once again we thank The Grand Historian for giving up another good one. This one's an eight-character chengyu. The story goes back to 206 BC and the famous story of Liu Bang and Xiang Yu's meeting at The Banquet at Hongmen. Here, the two contenders for the emperorship of China, meet face to face. Only one of them could sit on that throne and beginning right here, the Chu-Han Contention begins. The chengyu for this time, 项庄舞剑, 意在沛公 Xiàng Zhuāng Wǔ Jiàn, Yì Zài Pèi Gōng comes from this slice of history mentioned in the Record of the Grand Historian from the chapter on Xiang Yu. People who have a lot to lose, especially in the world of politics and government should pay attention to this one. It's a good one to use when describing someone who may appear all nice and pleasant but who has a hidden motive to do you harm. Enjoy!

White Vengeance video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-H3yXEh7KCQ

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