S8E9 | Why Can’t We Live Together


Saying: “the two cannot exist together”
Pinyin: Shì Bù Liǎng Lì
Chinese: 势不两立


So much rancor in this world these days. Here's one that describes the feeling of mutual enmity that existed between two giants of their day, Cao Cao and Sun Quan. During the waning years of the Eastern Han Dynasty, three powerful forces jockeyed for position to see who might push the Liu's off the throne and take over to found a new dynasty. There was no reconciliation in the tea leaves. As far as Cao Cao of Wei and Sun Quan of Wu were concerned, that throne was only big enough for one of them. Here's a story from 208 AD that features a useful Chinese Saying born on the eve of the epic Battle of Red Cliffs.

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S8E10 | Don’t Count Me Out Yet


S8E8 | Let’s Stick Together