S4E03 | Waiting in Vain | 守株待兔


Saying: “To guard a tree stump and wait for a rabbit”
Pinyin: Shǒu Zhū Dài Tù
Chinese: 守株待兔


Another classic from the long list of great Chinese. 守株待兔 Shǒu Zhū Dài Tù. Thank Han Feizi for this one. He teaches us not to sit around and wait for good luck to find you. Just because you got lucky once doesn't mean lightning will strike twice. In this quick story about the farmer in Song State we learn sometimes it's better to go out and seek what you want rather than waiting it to fall in your lap.

Don't forget, the Chinese terms from CSP episodes are all listed for you down below.

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Terms in Episode

Shǒu Zhū Dài Tù守株待兔To guard a tree stump and wait for a rabbit
Shǒuto guard or protect
Zhūa tree trunk or tree stump
Dàiwait for
Hán Fēizǐ韩非子Philosopher and government official from Han State whose works were very influential during the Qin Dynasty. His most fampous work is named for him and is known as the Han Feizi
Wǔ Dù五蠹The chapter in the Han Feizi from which today's Chinese Saying comes from (The Five Vermin)
SòngAn ancient state located in eastern Henan and western Shandong where present day Shangqiu is
Henan河南Province in central China
Shandong山东Coastal province east of Henan
Shāngqiū商丘City in eastern Henan
chéngyǔ成语A Chinese Saying or Idiom
Eastern Zhou Dynasty东周The Eastern Zhou Dynasty that ran roughly 771-256 BC
Mèngzǐ孟子Also known as Mencius in the West. One of the greatest Confucian philosphers
YáoMythical Chinese ruler who lived 2356-2255 BC
ShùnMythical Chinese ruler who lived 2294-2184 BC
Yǔ the Great大禹Founder of the mythical Xia Dynasty who lived 2123-2025 BC

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S4E04 | Showing Paul How to Write a Song | 班门弄斧


S4E02 | They Smilin' in Your Face | 口蜜腹剑